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- 11/05/07 Lawmall Index Page - to Compare
Carl E. Person
225 E. 36th St Suite 3A
New York NY 10016-3664
Tel. No. - 212-307-4444
Fax No. - 212-307-0247
Email Address:
rev 9/1/12
Carl E. Person
225 E. 36th St Suite 3A
New York NY 10016-3664
Tel. No. - 212-307-4444
Fax No. - 212-307-0247
Email Address:
Here are links to two YouTube 1-hour interviews I had recently with Harold Channer.
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 02-28-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 05-15-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
rev 9/1/12
John F. Kennedy & Marilyn Monroe Papers - Inside Information on the Controversy and Litigation Concerning the Files of JFK's Secret Advisor, Attorney Lawrence X. Cusack, Sr.

Date of Last Revision: March 21, 1998
Note: All of the statements in this Kennedy/Monroe/Cusack Papers Website are allegations, as distinguished from statements
of fact. The obvious purpose of having allegations below, instead of statements of asserted fact, is to avoid unnecessary litigation.
- NEW AS OF 3/10/98 Summary of "60 Minutes" Amended Complaint Filed Alleging Fraud and "FRAUDCAST" JOURNALISM, Breach of Contract, Libel, Property Disparagement, Ambush Journalism, and Interference with Advantageous Relationships Filed 3/9/98 by Lawrence and Jennifer Cusack, Thomas Cloud, Document Purchasers and Experts Appearing on the 11/23/97 60 Minutes Segment, and about 100 Other Document Purchasers against 60 Minutes, CBS, Inc., Don Hewitt, Ed Bradley, Michael Radutzky, Jonathan Wells, Duayne Dillon, Seymour Hersh and Robert L. White - WARNING: 69K
- NEW AS OF 3/10/98 Full-Length "60 Minutes" Complaint Alleging Fraud and "FRAUDCAST" JOURNALISM, etc. against 60 Minutes, etc. - WARNING: 207K
- SMOKING GUN REVISED WITH LINK TO THUMBNAIL GRAPHICS 12/30/97 Documentary Proof that attorney Lawrence X. Cusack, II knew both John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy - handwritten notes from RFK and JFK to "Larry" on 1962 Commencement Exercises Invitation, by RFK ("Larry - notes from J. [meaning from Jack, and signed at the bottom] ROBERT F. KENNEDY" and on the right-hand side, the following note: "L - [meaning Larry] My best wishes - wish I could attend. See you for lunch. Have Bobby buy you one for me. [signed] JACK KENNEDY". Thumbnail/Full-Page Graphics of Explosive Evidence - WARNING! 21 THUMBNAIL GRAPHICS FILES TOTAL est. 750K;
- Hersh States on 11/25/97 CNBC Hardball Show that the Kennedy Documents May Be Authentic - Quotation from Show
- REVISED 1/8/98 Anatomy and Chronology of the Fight to Correct History and Efforts by TV Networks to Prevent Correction
- The Author of This Website and the Sources of His Information
- Explosive Documents from the Files of JFK's Secret Advisor, Attorney Lawrence X. Cusack
- OPTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION; SUMMARY NOT YET CREATED Explosive Summary of 1985 20/20 Show about Robert F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe Cancelled by ABC, Causing Geraldo Rivera to Quit ABC in Protest - See ABC Complaint for Further Details
- All Statements in Website Are Allegations Rather Than Statements of Fact - for Obvious Legal Reasons
- The Litigants and Their Attorneys
- The Purchasers of the Cusack Documents - Their Interest in the ABC Lawsuit
- Repurchase Option for Purchasers of the Cusack Documents
- Request for Others Allegedly Unfairly Treated or Ambushed by 60 Minutes to Tell Their Stories - OR IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE ALLEGEDLY INJURED BY 60 MINUTES
- Summary of "ABC Complaint" Alleging Fraud, Breach of Contract, Libel, Property Disparagement, Ambush Journalism, and Interference with Advantageous Relationships Filed 11/21/97 by Lawrence and Jennifer Cusack and Thomas Cloud against ABC, Inc., Roone Arledge, Peter Jennings, Lancer Productions, Inc., Mark Obenhaus, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, Seymour Hersh and Others - WARNING: 28K
- Copy of Complaint Alleging Fraud, Breach of Contract, Libel, Property Disparagement, Ambush Journalism, and Interference with Advantageous Relationships Filed 11/21/97 by Lawrence and Jennifer Cusack and Thomas Cloud against ABC, Inc., Roone Arledge, Peter Jennings, Lancer Productions, Inc., Mark Obenhaus, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, Seymour Hersh and Others - WARNING: 150K
- Chronology of 15 Experts Who Have Seen Some of the Cusack Papers, from 1993 to 1997
- Experts, Expert Opinions, and How Experts Are Used in the Courts
- The Daubert Decision - Scientific Experts Must Have a Science to Be Qualified to Testify- WARNING: 50K
- Information about Duayne Dillon, Handwriting Expert Retained by 60 Minutes
- Information Wanted about Duayne Dillon's Handwriting Expertise and Experience; and His Business Dealings and Associations
- The Cast of Characters, Issues and Events in the JFK/RFK/JPK/MM/Hoover/Giancana Saga
- Docket Sheets from the ABC Action, Filed in the Southern District of New York
- Fact and Expert Witnesses Wanted for the JFK/MM Historical Papers Litigation
- Help Wanted from Persons Interested in Correcting History
- Option Not Working; under Construction Links to Relevant Websites for Persons Interested in the JFK/RFK/JPK/MM/Giancana/Hoover Story
- Relevant Books Concerning the JFK/RFK/JPK/MM/Giancana/Hoover Story
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Carl E. Person, Editor/Publisher,
For his c.v. or resume, click on Carl E. Person C.V.