- Updated C.V. or Resume of Attorney Carl E. Person
- Candidates, Elections, Ballot Initiatives, NYC/Town Attorney General
- My Other Politically-Oriented Websites
- My Antitrust Websites and Book
- My Prosecutorial Abuse and Criminal Law Websites
- Additional Websites for Attorneys and Small Law Firms
- Additional Websites for Small Business
- Miscellaneous Websites
- My 6 Self-Help Pamphlets
- My 3 Paperback Books
- 19 Articles for My Losers Magazine
- My Press Releases
- 11/05/07 Lawmall Index Page - to Compare
Carl E. Person
225 E. 36th St Suite 3A
New York NY 10016-3664
Tel. No. - 212-307-4444
Fax No. - 212-307-0247
Email Address:
Here are links to two YouTube 1-hour interviews I had recently with Harold Channer.
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 02-28-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 05-15-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
rev 9/1/12
Information Relating to the Law Practice of Carl E. Person

225 E. 36th Street - Suite 3A
New York NY 10016-3664
Tel: (212) 307-4444
Fax: (212) 307-0247
Harvard Law School, 1962
Updating Note on 5/26/14: My practice today and since 2008 or 2009 has been centered on defending residential (1-4 unit) and commercial foreclosures in various counties in New York State as well as in other states.
My prior experience in a variety of commercial and other litigation fields enables me to defend foreclosures with a variety of defenses, including my substantial experience in cases involving antitrust, securities, trusts, fraud, distribution systems, usury, civil rights, chapter 11 bankruptcy and adversary proceedings, business torts, breach of contract, unjust enrichment, and appeals in the federal and state court systems, just to name some of the fields of my prior experience.
The legal fields in which I have this prior substantial experience:
- representing plaintiffs in federal and state courts in contingent-fee litigation as to antitrust, civil rights, fraud, libel, predatory lending and employment cases.
- representing defendants in federal courts in trademark, copyright, maritime, business tort, contract, fraud, defamation, and other commercial cases
- representing defendants in federal courts as local counsel
- representing plaintiffs or defendants in various other types of litigation the outcome of which is important to the clients - in other words, I was interested in handling almost any type of civil litigation except negligence, malpractice, small claims, matrimonials, and filing of bankruptcy proceedings
- I did not and do not do transactional work such as setting up corporations, filing of copyright or trademark applications, or real estate closings
Brief Description of this Pre-Foreclosure Practice: civil litigation (including Robinson-Patman Act and other antitrust, small business and civil rights), in the federal and state, mainly on a contingent-fee, or partial contingent-fee, basis courts
- Admitted to Practice:
- All New York Courts (1962)
- U.S. District Court - Southern District of New York - New York NY (1970)
- U.S. District Court - Eastern District of New York - Brooklyn NY (1975)
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 2nd Circuit - New York NY (1975)
- U.S. Supreme Court - Washington DC (1976)
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 9th Circuit - San Francisco CA (1980)
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 4th Circuit - Richmond VA (1994)
- U.S. Court of Appeals - Federal Circuit - (1997)
- U.S. Court of Appeals - 3rd Circuit - Philadelphia (1997)
- Various U.S. District Courts (pro hac vice) including Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Norfolk, Philadelphia, Trenton, Chicago
- Litigation Experience:
- Robinson-Patman/Antitrust, including Carl E. Person v. Google, Inc., Coalition for a Level Playing Field LLC v. AutoZone, Advance Auto, Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, The Intimate Bookshop v. Barnes & Noble, et al., New York, United Magazine Co. v. Murdoch Magazines Distribution, et al.,, New York, Coalition for a Level Playing Field, et al. v. AutoZone, Wal-Mart, et al., New York, Yellow Pages Advertising Agencies v. Bell Yellow Page Publishing Co's, SDNY, National Auto Brokers Corp. v. General Motors Corp., et al., SDNY; Parker Brothers v. Anti-Monopoly, Inc., San Francisco, Hygrade v. Tropicana, SDNY; Anti-Monopoly, Inc. v Hasbro, Inc., SDNY; Servco v. Xerox Corp., SDNY; Vitale v. Marlborough Gallery, et al., SDNY; Paralegal Institute v. American Bar Association, EDNY; Kramer v. Pollock-Krasner Foundation, SDNY
- Civil Rights, including New York State Association of Career Schools v. State ducation Dept. of New York, SDNY (advertising); New York State Association of Career Schools v. State Education Department of New York, SDNY (excessive regulation); Person v. Association of the Bar, EDNY (lawyer advertising); Person v. Association of the Bar of the City of New York, EDNY (shares in lawsuits, expert testimony on contingency fee basis); Paralegal Institute v. American Bar Association, EDNY
- Environmental, In re Lutheran Medical Center (environmental impact statement), EDNY
- RICO, Teltronics v. L.M. Ericcson, EDNY, Rand v. Anaconda-Ericcson, EDNY
- Bankruptcy, In re Feit & Drexler, Inc., SDNY; Teltronics v. L.M. Ericcson, EDNY, Rand v. Anaconda-Ericcson, EDNY; In re Rumican 190 Corp., SDNY-Bkcy Ct
- FIRREA, Fisch v. Fidelcorp Business Credit Corp., SDNY; Goller Place Corp. v. RTC, EDNY, DNJ-Trenton
- Copyright, Merchant v. Lymon, SDNY; Buckner v. Marvel Entertainment, SDNY; Cox v. Paramount, SDNY; Folke v. Paramount, SDNY; Associated v. Walt Disney Co., SDNY, Dunn v. Paramount, SDNY
- Patent, Lemelson v. General Mills, Chicago; and Chalais v. Hasbro, SDNY
- Trademark, Parker Brothers v. Anti-Monopoly, Inc., San Francisco; Charles of the Ritz Group, Ltd. v. Marcon, Ltd., SDNY
- Class Actions, National Auto Brokers Corp. v. General Motors Corp., et al., SDNY; Collins v. American Express Corp., Sup. Ct., NY Co.
- Diversity Litigation, federal courts: numerous cases from 1970 to present
- Real Estate Litigation - various lawsuits in state and federal court relating to real estate, mortgages, injunctions, bankruptcy reorganization, land use
- State Actions, numerous actions in state courts in New York, Florida and Pennsylvania involving real estate, misappropriation of ideas, breach of contract, unfair competition, commercial matters
Specialized Legal Websites Created, Authored and Maintained by Carl E. Person:
- Main Web Page --
- Carl E. Person Attorney Website -- Website for Law Practice of Attorney Carl E. Person
- Direct Enactment of Laws by Voters in NYS -- Direct Enactment of Local Laws by Voters in NYS Counties, Cities and Municipalities
- Libertarian Party Nominee for NYS Attorney General - the most powerful elective office in the United States relating to the U.S economy -- Carl Person's Website for Attorney General 2014 - Giving Voters an Opportunity through 2-Way Webcasts to Create Jobs, Opportunity and Prosperity in Their Own Communities
- The Most Important Website for Creating Prosperity (including a substantial increase in land values, jobs and business opportunities) in any Town or Village -- Website for Creating Prosperity in Any Town or Village in the U.S.
- Carl Person's Town Attorney General Website -- Website for Creating an Attorney General for a City, Town or Village to Focus on Problems of Local Concerns
- Robinson-Patman Act / Price Discrimination --
Robinson-Patman Act, Price Discrimination Website"
- Stopping Wal-Mart, Other Superstores & Globalization --
Stopping Wal-Mart, Other Superstores & Globalization
- My First 4 Websites on Prosecutorial Abuse and Prosecutorial Misconduct - [Please note that each of these four websites
begins with a Part I which is identical as to each of the 4 websites. Read it once, and skip over it to Part II in each of the other 3 websites.]:
- 1998 - My 1st Website on Prosecutorial Abuse ["PA"]
- 2001 - My 2nd PA Website with Added Insight into the Problems
- 2002 - My 3rd PA Website - Unbelievable Prosecutorial Abuse from the Standpoint of the NY Forfeiture Statute
- 2002 Plea Bargaining - My 4th PA Website - or How Approximately 80 Innocent Defendants Are Convicted for Every 20 Truly Guilty Defendants
- Sherman Antitrust Act --
My Sherman Act Website
- Cusack Papers a/k/a JFK Papers Litigation --
Website Showing How Government Can Rewrite History - Story of the
"Cusack Papers" - 750 pages of John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe Material - Government Prevailed in Criminal Proceeding in Spite of
the Authenticity of the Papers