- Updated C.V. or Resume of Attorney Carl E. Person
- Candidates, Elections, Ballot Initiatives, NYC/Town Attorney General
- My Other Politically-Oriented Websites
- My Antitrust Websites and Book
- My Prosecutorial Abuse and Criminal Law Websites
- Additional Websites for Attorneys and Small Law Firms
- Additional Websites for Small Business
- Miscellaneous Websites
- My 6 Self-Help Pamphlets
- My 3 Paperback Books
- 19 Articles for My Losers Magazine
- My Press Releases
- 11/05/07 Lawmall Index Page - to Compare
Carl E. Person
225 E. 36th St Suite 3A
New York NY 10016-3664
Tel. No. - 212-307-4444
Fax No. - 212-307-0247
Email Address:
Here are links to two YouTube 1-hour interviews I had recently with Harold Channer.
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 02-28-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 05-15-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
rev 9/1/12
Speakers Bureau / Lecture Bureau Website
1st Published 10/25/98; Last Update: 11/09/06 - at 00:30 am

Purpose of Website: Availability of attorney Carl E. Person and 26 or More Timely Topics for Speaking Engagements. For information about attorney Person, see his c.v. (resume) Carl Person C.V. Mr. Person may be reached at his New York office, 212-307-4444.
The following topics are important and timely and, when presented by Mr. Person, can be expected to hold an audience's attention and interest for the desired speech period from 30 minutes to 90 minutes:
- How one or more businesspersons or citizens can stop Wal-Mart, Sam's Club or other major retailer from opening up a new, or another, chain store in his/her town, village or county
- Why the best investment opportunity in the United States is not discussed with their clients by investment banking firms and how any interested person can invest in one or more such readily-available opportunities. Read my 29-minute infomercial at Infomercial Entitled "One Million Fortunes Looking for Their Rightful Owners"
- How your town, village or community can provide an affordable higher
education for its citizens and other residents Chapter 3 of e-book
DROPPING OUT . Here is a relevant quote from the book:
For example, there are major consequences which can be predicted and created in knowing that many private colleges and universities charge $35 per hour for instruction when $2 would suffice. Micro-economics explains how this takes place, and suggests what can be done to eliminate this excessive cost, which has families paying perhaps $30,000 per year per student in pre-tax income to put one child through college when $4,000 or $6,000 would suffice.
- How the main media in the United States, controlled by a handful of companies and persons, are causing a decline in the opportunities and standard of living for the vast majority of Americans.
- What the nation's antitrust laws were designed to do; why they have not been effective since the Nixon administration; and the effect on Americans and the U.S. economy due to the failure of the nation's constitutional checks and balances to remedy our nation's antitrust shortcomings The Sherman Antitrust Act and Related Material for Small Businesses and see Price Discrimination and the Robinson-Patman Act for Small Businesses .
- The professional crisis in America, and the reasons why college students should choose careers paths other than medical school or law school.
- The ever-increasing concentration in book publishing and distribution, and the corresponding loss of the nation's right to freedom of speech Price Discrimination Problems in the Book Industry Putting Independent Booksellers Out of Business .
- How the nation's superstore chains, including "category killer" superstores, are deliberately, systematically and unlawfully putting small American businesses out of business, and what the injured businesses and communities can do about this Small Business Website and see Robinson-Patman Act Website and see Sherman Act Website .
- Prosecutorial prosecutorial misconduct [or abuse]; the liability of prosecutors for their misconduct; and how to fight specific instances of prosecutorial misconduct in the United States Prosecutorial Misconduct and Abuse Website and see JFK Papers and Ensuing Litigation against Small Businessperson, Damages Lawsuits by Injured Small Businesses .
- How a small community (between 2,500 and 7,500 population) can turn itself into a place where small business prospers, persons can work for others or be self employed with greatest mobility and least friction, schooling and justice are maximized, and the town (called a DROPPING OUT COMMUNITY) will be a grass roots example of political and economic reform reaching out to other small communities DROPPING OUT, an e-book in progress
- How litigation (together with deliberate understaffing of our nation's court systems) has become a major tool of the monopolists to protect and expand their monopolies and threaten to destroy the nation's economic, social and political system Hardball Litigation Website .
- How small businesses can compete against major corporations.
- Why small businesses need to eliminate all or most of their employees and remodel themselves along the lines of a broker or middleperson into "virtual" businesses to eliminate burdensome tax, labor and other laws The Virtual Business .
- How the copyright laws were changed to provide so-called "copyright protection" to unpublished works, but at the same time most state laws protecting the creator were "preempted" and the so-called copyright protection has turned out to be wholly worthless for the artist; and why the nation should return to state-law protection for the artist and creator; a review of copyright laws from the standpoint of screenplay writers, book authors, and persons submitting ideas for purchase by major corporations.
- How to protect an idea - the main way to protect an idea is to submit it to someone who is apt to steal the idea, then wait; this of course requires fuller development and understanding, for an artist to be able to have some protection while submitting (or revealing to others) his unpublished work and the unique and valuable ideas developed therein.
- The nation's movement into new techniques for dissemination of information to oppose the growing concentration of the economy and threatened destruction of our political system, including e-mail, websites, infomercials, pamphlets, e-books, and speakers bureaus Website on Who Owns Internet; Spamming Techniques Used by Major Corporations and Not Permitted by Lesser Persons or Companies - Looking at the current anti-spam bill or legislation to see continuation of this inequality .
- Globalization and the resulting (threatened) destruction of the world's greatest economy.
- 7 Big Lies by government, media and other controlling persons which prevent ordinary citizens from obtaining meaningful results from the political process
- The advantages and disadvantages of a career as a lawyer or paralegal [note: Carl Person was instrumental in creating the paralegal field.]
- Solving a specific identified problem (for members of the audience) as part of a lecture on how to be creative
- The decline of independent wholesaling, jobbing and retailing in the United States, as well as the related decline in manufacturing
- What the newspapers and network television are not telling you in their top 10 news stories
- A 60-minute, critical look at how 60 Minutes creates its "news" My website about my case against 60 Minutes concerning the "Cusack Papers" . Also, see a copy of the complaint against CBS by disgruntled participants Complaint against 60 Minutes concerning the "Cusack Papers"
- How and when to use litigation in support of your legitimate interests (or "How to prevent destruction of your business or property through necessary litigation")
- The inside story of trademarks, patents and copyrights, including their growing role in current international trade wars
- A review of capital sources for small business (or "How a small businessperson can raise capital"), including discussion of venture capital firms, banks, credit card companies, investment bankers, public/private offerings, joint venturers, limited partners, business partnerships, Google/Yahoo, ebay and other sources
- How the standard of living for most residents of a small town or community (below 10,000 in population) can be increased by strategic action of a small group of interested persons
- Why India's post-secondary educational system is able to compete effectively against the United States post-secondary educational system - specific differences which politicians and educators are not willing to tell their constituencies
The topics listed above can be presented by the author of this website, attorney Carl E. Person. If you are interested in talking with him about any of these or other available topics for a speech or address, or would like to suggest additional topics or speakers, please contact Carl Person by telephone 212-307-4444 or fax 212-307-0247 or email to
Fees and Travel Expenses
Mr. Person is available to speak on terms which are negotiable, and include travel expenses. No fee is charged when addressing prospective clients about their legal concerns. Otherwise, the speaker's fee generally runs from $1,000 to $5,000.
Mr. Person is known throughout the United States by reason of hundreds of radio and television appearances during the past 40+ years; the hundreds of newspaper articles in which Mr. Person has appeared; his numerous websites on a variety of current subjects, many of which are listed at Person's Lawmall Website His most recent websites are described at the beginning of Lawmall as:
NYC Pet Law - Having a Dog under a No-Pet Lease - Eviction Proceedings and Strategy - Section 27-2009.1 of the NYC Administrative NYC Pet Law - Having a Dog under a No-Pet Lease - Eviction Proceedings and Strategy - Section 27-2009.1 of the NYC Administrative Code
Jury Nullification Website: How the Constitutionally-Guaranteed Jury System Is Being Threatened with Irrelevance and Destruction by the Ever-Increasing Concentration of the Economy - Jury Nullification Website; the One Rule of Law No Judge Ever Tells the Jury about; but Enables a Jury to Decide a Case According to What is Right
How Cities and States Can Cure Their Budget Deficits - 1,000 Times the Value of the Tobacco Litigation
How the Constitutionally-Guaranteed Jury System Is Being Threatened with Irrelevance and Destruction by the Ever-Increasing Concentration of the Economy How Cities and States Can Cure Their Budget Deficits - 1,000 Times the Value of the Tobacco Litigation
Inadvertent Waste - Government Waste Commission - Citizen Proposals to Make Local Government More Efficient - NYC's Yellow-Cab Follies - $ 1/4 Billion Annual Loss for NYC Inadvertent Waste - Government Waste Commission - Citizen Proposals to Make Local Government More Efficient - NYC's Yellow-Cab Follies - $ 1/4 Billion Annual Loss for NYC
Carl E. Person, Director, LawMall,
For the c.v. (resume) of Carl E. Person, click on Carl Person C.V.