Robinson-Patman Act Trade Association - to Protect Small Businesses from Superstores, Category Killers and Big Box Retailers. This website is about a new type of trade association, which focusses on a single issue, and is intended for small businesses of all types.

Last Update: 10/26/98
  1. Finally, a Trade Association for a Single Small-Business Issue: Enforcement of the Robinson-Patman Act
  2. Membership of the Robinson-Patman Act Trade Association
  3. Membership Dues - Free for Charter Members
  4. Services Provided by the Association to Its Members
  5. Resources Now Available to You
  6. FREE Review of Members' Price or Service Discrimination Problems
  7. Damages Rule of Thumb: 9,000 X 1 Day's Loss of Profits
  8. Current Trends Concerning Enforcement of the Robinson-Patman Act
  9. How to Join the Robinson-Patman Act Trade Association
  10. Why You Should Join the Robinson-Patman Act Trade Association
  11. The Problem with Single-Industry Trade Associations
  12. Membership in Multiple Trade Associations Should Be Increasing
  13. Federal Trade Commission Guides (FTC Guides) for Advertising Allowances and Other Merchandising Payments and Services, 16 CFR 240
  14. Liability: Easier to Prove Than the Amount of RPA Damages
  15. Lawmall Website: Links to RPA-Related Topics
  16. Websites of Interest to RPA Plaintiffs
  17. Many Trade Associations Are Indifferent or Adverse
  18. Help for Small Businesses May Be Near. See: NYC Small Business Committee of the New York County Lawyers' Association
  19. Price Discrimination Newsletter
  20. Resume of RPA Attorney Carl Person
  21. E-Mail/Fax/Telephone Inquiries to Attorney Carl Person
  22. If RPA Attorney and Client Live in Different States
  23. Why Most Large Retailers, Wholesalers and Manufacturers Are Violating the RPA and Discriminating against Small Retailers
  24. Lawmall Website - Main Menu

Carl E. Person, Director, LawMall,
For the c.v. (resume) of Carl E. Person, click on Carl Person C.V.

Copyright © 1997 & 1998 by Carl E. Person