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- 11/05/07 Lawmall Index Page - to Compare
Carl E. Person
225 E. 36th St Suite 3A
New York NY 10016-3664
Tel. No. - 212-307-4444
Fax No. - 212-307-0247
Email Address:
rev 9/1/12
Carl E. Person
225 E. 36th St Suite 3A
New York NY 10016-3664
Tel. No. - 212-307-4444
Fax No. - 212-307-0247
Email Address:
Here are links to two YouTube 1-hour interviews I had recently with Harold Channer.
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 02-28-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 05-15-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
rev 9/1/12
Drafting of Civil Complaint: the Highest Leverage Obtainable in a Lawsuit

- Type of Case for Which Principle is Applicable - The virtual law firm principle that "the drafting of a civil complaint is the highest leverage
obtainable in a civil lawsuit" does not apply to each and every civil lawsuit. It applies to difficult civil lawsuits in which the rights of the respective parties
are anything but clear. Thus, if a bank is suing a customer for non-payment of a loan, the lawsuit is not one where the principle would ordinarily apply.
However, in a situation, for example, where a priest wants to leave his church, the outcome of the case will be quite dependent on the quality
and inventiveness of the complaint. I decided that the priest should sue for a "divorce". For such a complaint as I filed it in the New York Supreme Court,
see Priest Divorce
- Economic Analysis - The drafting of the "Priest Divorce" complaint took about 10 hours or $2,000 in effort, assuming an hourly rate of $200.
Novel suits often are seeking large sums of money, and involve substantial litigation effort after the complaint has been drafted, filed and served on the defendants.
It would not be uncommon in a typical novel civil lawsuit for a complaint created in 10 hours to result in 100 to 1,000 hours of total work by the plaintiff's lawyer.
This translates into leverage of 10 to 100 times the amount of time spent in drafting the complaint, or that the $2,000 complaint is going to result in $20,000 to
$200,000 in work for the plaintiff's lawyer (and more work for the plaintiff himself/herself, increasing the leverage).
- Suggested Course of Action This foregoing analysis cries out, I think, for a rethinking of the way that a novel lawsuit is commenced and
conducted. It seems clear that the pleadings should be drafted by a lawyer who has experience and skill in the preparation of what I'll call "inventive pleadings",
a term which refers to the ability to call upon appropriate legal doctrines even when they are not obvious to most persons, as distinct from knowingly conjuring
up non-existent facts to support an action which does not exist under any legal theory if the true facts were pleaded.
- Another Example of Inventive Pleadings - A plaintiff (to be) claimed that someone had improperly found $1 billion in lost gold treasure by
obtaining a copy of sidescan sonar data from the institution which had made its research vessel available for the lost-treasure search. Among 12 claims
was a claim for copyright infringement. The sonar sidescan printouts were filed with the U.S. Copyright Office as a "treasure map" (which generated a lot of
discussion and controversy) and the copying and transmittal of such data was alleged as a copyright infringement. The Copyright Office accepted the
filing, under certain conditions I had to negotiate.
- Rights Aren't Enforceable in Absence of Appropriate Articulation Lawyers and others cannot know all the rights they or others have
because the amount of law is too vast and complex. When a prospective client tells a busy lawyer a tale of woe outside of the lawyer's field of interest
or his/her experience, the lawyer may not be able to see the rights involved (assuming there are identifiable rights) for many reasons, such as the belief that
the case is too complicated (for the lawyer), a failure to get to the heart of the problem which would point out the rights involved; desire to get rid of
the prospective client as soon as possible and turn to other, pressing business; belief that the prospective client cannot pay the legal fee which the lawyer
would require (since most lawyers don't work on a contingent-fee basis for any or certain categories of cases), and various other possible reasons which
generally may not be articulated to the prospective client.
- Proposed Solution for Lawyers and Clients - It is being suggested (by attorney Carl E. Person, creator of this "LawMall" website) that
lawyers and prospective clients who are considering the commencement of a lawsuit involving the need for inventive pleadings refer the matter out to a
lawyer who can prepare the complaint for review and change by the forwarding attorney and/or client. The expenditure of say $2,000 at this stage
should have its statistical rewards later in the case, by giving the attorney and client a stronger chance of having the case be heard instead of dismissed.
With the possibility of putting in $20,000 to $200,000 in legal work in a difficult case, it would seem shortsighted not to spend $2,000 to protect such a
large forthcoming investment.
- Why Would Attorneys Limit Themselves to Preparing Inventive Pleadings? - Why would an attorney be willing to draft inventive pleadings
and not want the whole case? Let me give you the answer with a question. Why would an artist like to sketch the outline of his next painting more than
filling in the colors once the painting is envisioned in his mind and sketch? The answer is that preparing an inventive complaint is a lot more fun than
preparing such a case for trial or trying the case. Also, I have a much higher value to a case in drafting the complaint than in any other aspect, from the
standpoint of hours spent. Of course, when a lawyer spends 1,000 hours on a case, there will be moments of great insight when a case might be won
or lost on an insight taking only a few second to recognize and appreciate. But the amount of time spent (1,000 hours) to be at this period of a few
seconds means that the lawyer is spending the vast amount of his time with an underutilization of his skills, and perhaps the client is paying too much
money for (or really can't afford) those few seconds of insight.
- Availability of Attorney Carl E. Person to Prepare Inventive Pleadings - Attorney Carl E. Person (founder and developer of LawMall) is willing to (try to) prepare inventive pleadings for a negotiated fee, which could be fixed or based on a hourly rate or even contingent in suitable cases. To discuss this possibility, just e-mail a letter to or telephone 212-307-4444, or fax to 212-307-0247. Your communication will be privileged, of course. Consultation will be at no charge unless and until an agreement is reached. Lawyers are invited to use the services of Carl E. Person to prepare inventive pleadings in furtherance of the virtual law firm concept, which is, loosely, a lawyer who puts together for a given matter only the human resources which are needed for that one case, which reduces overhead and other costs of handling the legal matter. To see a copy of the c.v. (resume) of Carl E. Person, click on Carl E. Person C.V. or visit Carl Person's "attorney website", at Website for Attorney Carl E. Person.
- Availability of Other Attorneys to Prepare Inventive Pleadings - LawMall affords attorneys the opportunity to let prospective clients know
about their respective practices, and any attorney who feels that he/she is able to prepare inventive pleadings should so advertise this skill or interest by use
of the term "inventive pleadings" when listing his/her legal "tasks" and landing page or website on
Attorneys Can List Their "Tasks" and "Fields" for FREE on
- Caution - Lawyers and prospective clients are cautioned in various respects concerning inventive pleadings. No lawyer should create a
case where none exists, and for a lawyer to do so would be unethical and probably illegal under certain circumstances. Lawyers may claim they can
prepare inventive pleadings (as the term has been defined above) but may not be as able to do so as they think. Even the author of this LawMall home
page (Carl E. Person) has his share of losses, which he will tell you about, as well as his share of wins, which he will also tell you about, as well as cases which
are still in progress (and the outcome is not yet known). It is up to you, the lawyer and prospective client to ask enough questions to become satisfied
that the lawyer who would prepare your inventive pleadings is up to the task, which admittedly is sometimes difficult to determine. Good luck. I do think
the effort to split off the work of pleading preparation is very valuable, and perhaps should be used in the legal field in similar fashion to the second opinion
which doctors and patients look for with difficult medical problems in the medical field.