National Law Firm of Carl E. Person - Contingent Fee - Types of Cases

I am looking for interesting civil litigation to be commenced anywhere in the United States, in the federal and state courts, mainly on a contingent-fee basis. The following types of cases are of the most interest to me:

Federal Statutes, Primarily

  • Admiralty (relating to lost treasure)
  • Antitrust, monopolization, conspiracy in restraint of trade
  • Bankruptcy litigation, including abandonment of debtors' claims
  • Civil rights, against government agency or government officials
  • Class actions under federal rules
  • Copyright infringement
  • Disability discrimination, Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and Rehabilitation Act
  • Discrimination in employment as to age, sex, race, religion, country of origin
  • Environmental problems, including CERCLA, Comprehensive Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980
  • RTC, Resolution Trust Corporation, FIRREA, Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989
  • Excessive governmental regulation
  • First amendment, due process and other constitutional issues, state and federal
  • Lanham Act, false designation of origin
  • Patent infringement
  • Price discrimination
  • RICO, Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act
  • Refusals to deal
  • Securities fraud, fraud on market
  • Telecommunications
  • Unfair competition
  • Whistleblower

State Law, Primarily

  • Breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing
  • Breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty
  • Breach of joint venture or partnership agreement
  • Business or securities fraud or deceit or business tort
  • Class actions, shareholders' derivative actions
  • Defamation, libel, slander
  • Discrimination in employment as to sexual preference, age, sex, race, religion, country of origin
  • Failure to pay royalties to artists, performers
  • Financing of litigation by selling shares in lawsuit
  • Franchisee-franchisor problems
  • Fraud, misrepresentation, deceit, negligent misrepresentation
  • Inducing breach of contract
  • Interference with advantageous business or contractual relationships
  • Internet, data processing, software problems
  • Lenders liability or bank wrongdoing, failure to lend
  • Medical licensing and residency suspensions and terminations
  • Privatization problems
  • Products liability
  • Refusals by government to license
  • Termination of contracts or franchises
  • Theft of idea, misappropriation of idea or property
  • Tortious destruction of business

Carl E. Person, Attorney at Law

325 W. 45th Street - Suite 201

New York NY 10036-3803

Tel: (212) 307-4444

Fax: (212) 307-0247


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