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Carl E. Person
225 E. 36th St Suite 3A
New York NY 10016-3664
Tel. No. - 212-307-4444
Fax No. - 212-307-0247
Email Address:
Here are links to two YouTube 1-hour interviews I had recently with Harold Channer.
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 02-28-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 05-15-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
rev 9/1/12
Arbitration Commenced on 8/8/08 by Martin R. Hyde v. Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares, Fox Broadcasting and 9 Producers to Recover $5,000,000 in Actual Damages, $3,000,000 in Punitive Damages, and Injunction Prohibiting
Further Broadcast of Dillons Show

Date of Initial Publication: 06/20/07; Date of Last Revision: 08/08/08 5:00 pm
Note: All of the statements in this website are allegations or opinions as distinguished from statements of
Here are copies of the (1) the 8/8/08 Demand for Arbitration served on respondents Gordon Ramsay, Fox Broadcasting Company, Upper Ground Enterprises, Inc., Granada Entertainment USA, Optomen Television Ltd., A. Smith & Co., Arthur Smith, Pat Llewellyn, Kent Weed, Gerry McKean, Paul Jackson and Curt Northrup; (2) the 8/8/08 Detailed Statement of the Claims listing and summarizing the claims including the jurisdictional issues presented to the arbitrator; (3) the 8/8/08 Proof of Service. Copies of the two agreements (with the contested arbitration provision) in the form signed by the Claimant in 2007 are attached as Exhibits A and B to the 2007 Complaint below, together with the Summons and Civil Cover Sheet filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (located at 500 Pearl Street, New York, New York) on June 19, 2007 (under index number 07 CV 5796.
Update: The action was dismissed by consent in August, 2007 because of the arbitration agreement. Martin Hyde was required to commence arbitration, with the first issue being whether arbitration is required. Martin Hyde claims that the agreement he signed was procured by fraudulent representations and therefore unenforceable and because the arbitration agreement is inadequate to permit arbitration to proceed under the arbitration organization's rules. See the "Jurisdictional Issues" in the 8/8/08 Detailed Statement of the Claims. If Martin Hyde prevails with the jurisdictional issues, the action in court is to be resumed. If not, the arbitration would continue.
Martin Hyde's 8/8/08 Demand for Arbitration served on Respondents and filed with JAMS on 8/8/08
Martin Hyde's 8/8/08 Detailed Statement of His Claims (including his Jurisdictional Issues)
Martin Hyde's 8/8/08 Proof of Service of His Arbitration Demand upon Gordon Ramsay, Fox Broadcasting and the 9 Producer Respondents
Complaint in Hyde v. Ramsay filed 6/19/07 in the Southern District of New York
Civil Cover Sheet filed at commencement of Hyde v. Ramsay on 6/19/07 in the Southern District of New York
- Summons Issued by Court Clerk at commencement of Hyde v. Ramsay on 6/19/07 in the Southern District of New York
Note: We are interested in talking with anyone who has experienced any similar activity during the production or airing of any other Gordon Ramsay shows, no matter where based. This means that we are interested in finding out about shows originating in London (Hell's Kitchen or Kitchen Nightmares) or in the United States (Hell's Kitchen or the new Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares series).
Call attorney Carl E. Person at his office: 212-307-4444 or his cell tel.: 917-453-9376, or email him at
Mailing Address:
Carl E. Person
325 W. 45th St. - Suite 201 (between 8th & 9th Aves.)
New York NY 10036-3803