- Updated C.V. or Resume of Attorney Carl E. Person
- Candidates, Elections, Ballot Initiatives, NYC/Town Attorney General
- My Other Politically-Oriented Websites
- My Antitrust Websites and Book
- My Prosecutorial Abuse and Criminal Law Websites
- Additional Websites for Attorneys and Small Law Firms
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- Miscellaneous Websites
- My 6 Self-Help Pamphlets
- My 3 Paperback Books
- 19 Articles for My Losers Magazine
- My Press Releases
- 11/05/07 Lawmall Index Page - to Compare
Carl E. Person
225 E. 36th St Suite 3A
New York NY 10016-3664
Tel. No. - 212-307-4444
Fax No. - 212-307-0247
Email Address:
Here are links to two YouTube 1-hour interviews I had recently with Harold Channer.
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 02-28-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 05-15-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
rev 9/1/12
Eco-Political Website in Opposition to the Ever-Increasing Concentration
of the U.S. and Worldwide Economies

1st Published 2/23/98 - Last Update: 7/21/01
Eco-Political Website - in Opposition to the Ever-Increasing Concentration of the U.S. and Worldwide Economies. 1st Time Visitors-How to Use this Eco-Political Website
Website Purpose: To create a gathering place for individuals concerned about the ever-increasing concentration of the U.S. and worldwide economies and the resulting decline in economic opportunities for the middle class and others, including lists and reviews of relevant books and websites, an updating newsletter and mailing list.
The website purpose is to put together relevant information from interested persons, books, websites and other sources, and to disseminate such information to these same interested persons and others concerning the causes and cures for the ever-increasing concentration of the U.S. and worldwide economies, and to deal with the resulting problems of the rich getting richer; the decline in our standard of living and economic opportunity; and the seeming inability of any individual or organization to do anything to cure these problems.
- How to Stop Wal-Mart from Expanding into and Destroying Your Community; and Stopping Globalism
- List of Book Authors to Follow (including published books)
- List of Book Publishers to Watch (including past books)
- List of Forthcoming Books of Interest (compiled from Publishers Weekly and other industry sources)
- List of Already-Published Books of Interest (including a review for some)
- Websites of
Interest (including links to articles and websites)
- Lawmall Websites: Features of Interest
- FREE newsletter subscription for updates. Merely state "subscribe eco" in the heading and the first line of your e-mail [or other communication] to me.
- E-Mail to Website Author (Carl Person)for Comments, Suggestions, Conversation or Other Eco-Political Website E-Mail to Website Author Carl Person
- Lawmall Website - Main Menu
for All Related Websites
Carl E. Person, Director, LawMall,
For the c.v. (resume) of Carl E. Person, click on Carl E. Person C.V.