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The Economics of Late Fees and Other Excessive Charges
The U.S. Bank/Credit Card Oligopoly - 3 Co's with 65% Market Share
Things You Can Do to Avoid Paying Late Fees and Other PenaltiesWebsite for 3 Books Written by Attorney Carl E. Person: A Law Career; Self-Employment; and Saving Main Street and Its Retailers
Attorney Carl E. Person has 3 paperback books (pub. 2004, each $19.95) available for purchase at Website for Attorney Person's 3 Books .
The first book is "A Law Career Is the Smart Way - To Avoid the Evil Economic Trio of Outsourcing, Globalization and Declining Standard of Living", which tells why a law career may be a smart move for interested persons, with useful information of value to law students and even lawyers who are out of law school for 5 years or less.
The second book is "Self Employment - To Avoid the Evil Economic Trio of Outsourcing, Globalization and Declining Standard of Living", which contains about 80% to 85% of thematerial of A Law Career..., with changes to discuss why many persons are better off today not going to college, or at least a high-priced college, with details on what can and should be done instead of going to fulltime college to maximize the person's economic success.
The third book is "Saving Main Street and Its Retailers", useful for any community having problems with Wal-Mart or other major retailers. As any small business in the area will be able to testify, when a big box retailer comes into the area, many local retail businesses (including the local newspaper and radio station) are going to be put out of business or serverely injured financially, with a near 100% probability; Person explains how a community makes a deal with the devil, accepting immediate lower prices in exchange for lower property values, a lower standard of living, fewer good jobs, reduced business opportunities, more jobs to be exported to China and India and subsidies by the community and its residents to help pay the real costs of the big boxes while they make huge profits causing major damage to the community, its residents and small businesses, and the nation. For workable solution to the Wal-Mart problem, see A Town Attorney General for the Nation's 18,500 Towns and Villages Can Produce An Annual Wrongdoing Restitution Check to Every Family Ranging up to $20,000 Per Year.