Election Issues
Developing Issues

Carl E. Person
325 W.45th St Suite 201
New York NY 10036-3803
Tel. No. - 212-307-4444
Fax No. - 212-307-0247
Email Address: carlpers@ix.netcom.com

Investigate the Cause of Damages Resulting from 9/11 and Identify the Persons Responsible

Email This Proposal to Gov't Officials, Chamber of Comm., Trade Assoc., Small Businesses, Other Interested Persons

The main press has been very effective in keeping incontrovertible details about 9/11 away from the public and any election campaign issue at this time, based on 9/11, has to be thought out carefully, to ensure that its proponent is not urging the public to accept a concept as unbelievable as the moon being made of green cheese.

Thus, I am wording this issue carefully: To have an investigation by a governmental body into the causes of any damages suffered by residents, businesses, property owners and/or the government itself as a result of 9/11, and an identification of the persons responsible for such damages.

This would not be a trial in a court of law, but an investigation (or many investigations) by numerous local governments which can be expected to produce better investigative results than the 9/11 Commission.

A main purpose would be to collect and preserve testimony while it is still available, and while 9/11 is not pushed aside by other matters. A series of independent investigations can be expected to arrive at a closer approximation of the truth than the 9/11 Commission with its known shortcomings.

Anyone interested in learning more about this subject could start by reading the material published at 911truth.org Website; Cooperativeresearch.org Website; and the two leading books on 9/11: 9/11 Synthetic Terror - Made in USA by Webster Griffin Tarpley, published by Progressive Press 2006; and The Big Wedding - 9/11, the Whistle- Blowers, & the Cover-Up by Sander Hicks, published by Vox Pop 2005.

Email This Proposal to Gov't Officials, Chamber of Comm., Trade Assoc., Small Businesses, Other Interested Persons