Listing of Your RPA-Related Skills, Services or Interests

Initial Publication: 11/28/99; Last Update: 8/4/01 08:00

Until my programming backlog is eliminated (at which time this part of the website will become somewhat interactive), persons wanting to register their RPA-related skills, services and interests should either fax such information to Carl Person, at 212-307-0247, or e-mail such information to him by using the form provided below.

The purpose of the information is for Carl Person and others (including RPA plaintiffs and their attorneys) to be able to retain persons having desired skills and services useful in RPA litigation throughout the United States. Also, such information will enable a network to form which will enable interested persons to put together a team of persons to work on a specific lawsuit anywhere in the United States. Frequently, RPA litigation in one city will require services in various other cities in the country.

The information which should be communicated to the RPA editor is:

Type of RPA interest (circle and give details in comment area below): attorney, paralegal, economist expert, industry expert, survey expert, other expert, investigator, trial preparation, former employee, media person; political, educational, social interest; or business or other economic interest; or other interest

Full Name __________________________________________

Address __________________________________________

City _________________________ State ______ ZIP _________

BusTel ________________________ BusFax ______________________

HomeTel ________________________ HomeFax ______________________

e-mail address __________________________________

Website address __________________________________

Comments: [especially as to the type of legal, business or economic expertise or experience you may have which may be helpful on proving damages or liability in an RPA action]






To send your listing information by e-mail, just activate the e-mail form below and insert the information requested above; use the comments part when necessary, and use more than one e-mail if you need more comment space [temporary] E-Mail Form for Inputting and Sending Your Information to RPATA.

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Copyright © 1999, 2001 by Carl E. Person