Losers Magazine (tm) Article No. 1 (10/5/95) by Carl E. Person

Description of Losers Magazine (tm)

Losers Magazine (or cyberzine since it appears only on the Internet, at URL ) has the goal of providing information about the economy, law, government, politics, business and employment which the regular med ia routinely fail to provide or emphasize. The need for this alternative information is obvious, even though the information itself is not.

The U.S. and world economies have been undergoing dramatic changes during the past 10-20 years and longer which have enabled a small minority of individuals and companies to control the U.S. economy and, to squeeze out every last bit of profit possible, s hed millions of U.S. jobs and convert many of the persons fired during downsizing (who I will refer to as downsizees) into economic rejects.

This magazine will cover a variety of subjects relating to downsizing, economic concentration, ways for the rejects to fight back, and changes which could be made to offset the problems.

Persons who should read Losers Magazine are persons who are not but who would like to be winners, but don't know how, or what to do. The information is not readily available because it goes against the way in which the economy now works - for the increas ing benefit of the rich and powerful, at the expense of the rest.

The magazine is free, mainly because there is no market in which the magazine could be distributed profitably, at least this is my considered opinion, as editor of Losers Magazine, after various prior efforts to publish this type of information.

I can interest hundreds of taxi drivers (one at a time) in listening to what I have to say for 15-30 minutes after the ride has ended (and the meter has been turned off), at a cost to the taxi driver of perhaps $5-10 in lost fares. But commercial publish ers of information (basically book publishers and literary agents) apparently believe that the public is not interested in knowing what is really going on.

I disagree, and so do hundreds of cabbies. In fact, the cabbies often understand what I say although they weren't able to articulate what they instinctively understood.

In any event, this is not a magazine for the successful small or medium-sized business (such as Inc. magazine) or for the financial community and business business (such as Business Week or The Wall Street Journal). Instead, it is a magazine for the pres ent rejects of our economy, to explain what has happened to them, what they can do to offset the problem and get back into the economy (probably in a stronger way), and to consider some things which need to be done to correct the main sources of the count ry's overall economic problem which cannot put most of its people to work on a meaningful basis and provides far excessive compensation to a few stars.

I am always looking for new ideas and insights, and look forward to any comments or suggestions you might have, by e-mail (carlpers@ix.netcom.com), fax (212-307-0247) or telephone (212-307-4444).

Copyright © 1995 by Carl E. Person. Permission is given for non-commercial users to send a copy of the data processing file for this work by electronic means to a specific individual for his or her own use, and then only if the entire file is sent, including this copyright notice, but no permission is given for anyone to copy or transmit this file for or to any person for public viewing or downloading. It is intended by the author of this work that the work shall be made available in electronic fo rm only through LawMall (tm).