File No. EB-02-IH-0109
NAL/Acct. No. 200332080010
FRN 0003476074
Facility ID #9618
Carl E. Person,
.........................Petitioner-Proposed Intervenor,
In the Matter of
Infinity Broadcasting Operations, Inc.
Licensee of Station WKRK-FM
Detroit, Michigan
The Petitioner, Carl E. Person, residing in New York, New York and with offices (as attorney) at 325 W. 45th St., New York, NY 10036-3803, is one of the 18,000,000 persons who listen to the Howard Stern Show and, pursuant to Section 1.1 of 47 CFR Ch. 1, is filing this petition for permission to intervene and to obtain a rehearing or reconsideration of the Forfeiture Order dated December 8, 2003, which order was upheld by Memorandum Opinion and Order released March 5, 2004 denying the petition for reconsideration of Infinity Broadcasting Operations, Inc.
A supporting declaration of Carl E. Person, together with a supporting memorandum of law are annexed hereto.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that all papers for service upon the undersigned are to be served as follows:
Carl E. Person
325 W. 45th St. - Suite 201
New York NY 10036-3803
Dated: New York, New York
.............March 8, 2004
Carl E. Person, Petitioner-Proposed Intervenor
325 W. 45th Street - Suite 201
New York NY 10036-3803
(212) 307-4444
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street SW
Washington DC 20554
Stephen Hildebrandt, Vice President
Infinity Broadcasting Operations, Inc.
2000 K Street, NW - Suite 725
Washington DC 20006
Howard Stern
The Howard Stern Show
40 W. 57th Street - 14th Floor
New York NY 10019-4002